Pregnancy is the ideal time to learn as much as you can about how breastfeeding works and the challenges and benefits. Although it is a normal biological process, it has to be learned as a practical skill to avoid problems. This is because most of us have not been exposed to lots of breastfeeding by other mums and babies.
It is recommended that babies have only breastmilk for the first six months of their life. This gives them all the food and drink they need.
If you're thinking of breastfeeding your baby, there are a range of great resources including videos on several websites that will give you a good idea about what to expect. Some charities also provide online and in-person support before you give birth as well as for the span of your breastfeeding journey.
Take a look at breastfeeding support website Beside You Medway for lots of information and tips from other families. You can also follow Beside You Medway on Facebook and . Both feature regular interviews with infant feeding specialists.
Watch the Before baby arrives playlist to find out how your body prepares for breastfeeding while you're pregnant, how your partner can support you, and what to expect in the early days.