The first 12 weeks of pregnancy is called the first trimester.

At this stage, the levels of pregnancy hormones in your body are increasing steadily. You will notice changes in your body and your emotions. The earliest signs of pregnancy can include tiredness, breast fullness and soreness, and needing to pee more often. Periods stop during pregnancy, as the lining of your womb supports your baby’s growth. A small amount of bleeding (spotting) can be normal, as your baby implants in the lining. 

Miscarriages are quite common and happen in up to one in four pregnancies. Having a miscarriage can be distressing and brings with it a whole host of complex emotions. It can be an isolating experience and there is no right or wrong way to deal with it. Your GP can provide you with support and advice or The Miscarriage Association offers support to people who have lost a baby. 

Each week that goes by, the chance of having a miscarriage is reduced. Some women prefer to wait until after their ultrasound scan at 12 weeks to announce the news and share their scan photo with friends and family on social media.  While others are eager to share their news earlier.  You can decide what is best for you and your partner.

At around six to nine weeks of pregnancy, you might start to feel sick. Often called ‘morning sickness’, it can happen at any time of day. It might come and go, or if you are unlucky it can go on and on. See our common pregnancy symptoms page for ideas to help. For most women, pregnancy sickness will ease off after the first trimester, though some women experience much more difficult pregnancy sickness, known as hyperemesis gravidarum. Between tiredness and sickness, early pregnancy can be challenging. It is understandable that, while some women love the excitement of this stage of pregnancy, others just need to get through it. If this is you, be kind to yourself and know you are not the only one.  

More information on severe pregnancy sickness can be found on the NHS website